KITee for one, and one for all. 1 KITee = 1 (1 : 1)
DOGE's just aren't doing it right! DOG's cant' run our market all by themselves, so we made KITEE (Pronounced: Kittycoin) to run with them.
Sacrifice your DOGE!
9th Wallet Touch - burn em'!
5% of Every Transaction - burn em'!
99,999 Deflationary Protocol 1079' - burn em'!
Really...what is this? KITeecoin is an identical DOGE meme build on the same ETH (ethereum) network but it is wayyy different!
Deflationary, not inflationary. With every 9th transaction on any wallet, those coins will return to the KITee-hub where they will enter a locked, one-way wallet and prepare to be burned on the 9th day of the following month.
On that 9th day those coins, PLUS a base amount of 99,999, plus approximately 325,000 "9th wallet" coins; plus 5% of the deflationary (transaction) protocol - at this rate, we'll be pyro-experts in no time (moms and dads, no flame was used in the burning of these coins)! In 9 years, that's like a 1 baazillion (near a billion) BURNED coins or 10% deflation rate!
The paths of KITee coin will eventually create a rewarding deflationary asset similar to Safemoon - just 9 times better!
We Take Pride in Our Numbers
Years of Leadership,
Marketing and Crypto Experience
We Expect Over
1 MILLION wallets!
At the 9th Wallet Address
7.6M est
Monthly Burn
9 Year est BurnOff